Why Does The Garage Door Shake When It Is Opening Or Closing?


As you go to open or close your garage door, you expect the door to smoothly glide along the tracks until it is opened or closed. However, there may come a time when the garage door shakes as it travels the tracks instead of gliding smoothly. When this happens, you may wonder what the problem is and whether you need residential garage door repair. Here are a few of the common reasons why your garage door make shake as it is opening or closing and how it can be repaired.

9 October 2019

Good Garage Door Maintenance Can Help Your System Last Longer


When it comes to garage door repair, it could be years in between the times you need to call for help. Your garage door system is pretty simple. The door goes up; the door goes back down. Take the time to look over your garage door system when it is running well, and you are more likely to keep your garage door in good shape. Cleaning the track with a strong brush, making sure sensors are properly aligned, and watching out for problems can all help you avoid a garage door emergency.

15 January 2019